Paola Liverani
Founder and Team Leader of Fun & Fitness Language Practice Center © and BBrainy® Smart School – Outdoor Learning, an innovative multilingual Homeschool for students from birth to 18 years of age.
Professor Liverani graduated in Italian Language and Literature, also graduated Pedagogy at the University of Bologna, Psychology at the University Salesiana of Rome / S.Giorgio Island in Venice. She speaks both Italian and English and specializes in learning support for children with learning difficulties and for advanced children classified as gifted.
As the Chief Learning and Research Officer for IRSEF accredited under the Ministry of Education – the Professor focuses on effective strategies for teaching and learning foreign languages. She has done so through experience as a Counselor Trainer, Life Coach, Language Coach and Teachers Trainer in different Countries.
Professor Liverani has also delivered her lectures for Masters courses and Seminars in Universities all over Italy and in America, while serving as a full-time Professor and Specialist in teaching English. Also, she serves as the Language Coach Trainer for the BBrainy® Smart School and BBrainy® YouTube Channel.
Not only using knowledge gained from American and The English College experience, but she also uses all the experience gained since childhood, involving those who work with her enthusiasm. She got a Master in Italian Didactics and a Master in Education Management; she is National Certification Professor for Roma Tre University for the “Italian Language Certification for foreigners” and for the ESOL English Language Certification.
Professor Liverani has invested many years and gained experience all over the world in training to teach teachers. Liverani has trained in Thailand, UK, and throughout America. She wants each teacher to become their own. She believes in giving a lot of attitude, contents towards incorporating your own methodology. She enjoys being an International Trainer and has created her own philosophy and methodology to train teachers by gaining international cultural experience.
Professor Liverani is also a journalist and publicist for the magazine’s “La Critica ” and “One Magazine”. She not only lives in Italy but also in Miami Beach in the United States, where she founded the Fun & Fitness Language Practice Center © the learning of idioms through Kinesthetic Learning – learning through fitness activities and movement with psycho-physical well-being and healthy nutrition. The activities are active all year round, both online and in-person, and are aimed at students of all ages and professions for learning or certified language enhancement anywhere in the world.
She is the author of “Crescere bilingue”, Armando Editore – her new book for teachers, educators and parents to raise bilingual kids and gifted education strategies.
“Take your passion and make it happen!” is her favorite quote that speaks her mind.
You can join Professor Liverani methodology through BBrainy® YouTube Channel and for full immersion Language Classes by Fun & Fitness Language Practice Center © or for Homeschooling/Outdoor Learning activities by BBrainy® Smart School.

Emma Rose
Jr. Language Coach of BBrainy® Smart School – Outdoor Learning
Born in Miami, United States, Emma Rose helps kids and others much older in language instruction in English, Italian, and Spanish. The multilingual Emma Rose has taken part in Seminars at Sapienza University of Rome as Jr. Language Coach and at University of Pavia as a gifted child. Her methodology is kinesthetic learning, which is the best way to combine fun and learning, meaning combining your interests and learning it in a foreign language.
Emma Rose is also the inspiration for the book “Crescere Bilingue – Raising Bilingual”. She serves as the Jr. Language Coach for the BBrainy® Smart School and on the BBrainy® YouTube Channel.
“If you want to work with me… join us in one of our BBrainy® Smart Schools and I will be your Jr Language Coach”
Emma Rose

Maria Dari
Headmaster and CEO of BBrainy® Smart School – Outdoor Learning
Maria Dari graduated in Modern Literature from the University of Bologna in 1970 and Psychology as Counselor and Family Counselor. She served as the Director of Schools of the State Comprehensive Institute “EUROPA” of Faenza (RA) and as principal of the School of Europe in Parma. Professor Dari has vast experience within the education sector serving as headmaster and school director of European Schools in the Emilia-Romagna Region of Italy. She serves as the President of IRSEF and has collaborated on several parenting courses in the provinces of Ravenna, Forli, and Modena for the help and support of the Family. Professor Dari was also President of the International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza for many years where she promoted Art Therapy as a Discipline for children and adults of all ages. She set up a permanent ceramic Art Workshop for children from the earliest years of age to develop manual skills and to refine the tactile experience of the child who learns to control their hands and express themselves through them. As a major contributor and supporter of the arts, she showcased the ceramics from Faenza, all over the world. During this time she hosted famous artists from all over the world, such as Raku from Japan, using art as the common language.
Professor Dari has led for 29 years at the head of a public school with students from 3 to 14 years of age, overcoming various obstacles from other educators to new laws, Ministers, against her innovative ways. With stubbornness, courage, professionalism and a certain dose of positivity, the Principal Maria Dari sailed through the treacherous waters that circulate in the world of Education. Her choices incorporated the inclusion of language courses and also theater, music, science but also of ceramics, road education, French and Romagna cuisine, carpentry, computer science, etc. She has always had a unique sense of education and is always looking ahead of our time with the advancement of the needs of society. Dari has previously worked alongside MIUR to create legislation in favor of teachers. She innovates classical studies and traditions usually taught in a single subject by incorporating it into different areas. As Chief Learning and Research Officer of the Italian Ministry of Education in Rome, Dari wrote the decree of the President of the Italian Republic n.275 Regulation containing rules on the autonomy of educational institutions under article 21 of law no.59 of 15 March 1999, working towards the school’s municipality, innovating the secondary. Without interruption, she sailed towards goals that one would dare to define as prestigious, innovative, didactically out of the ordinary, facing courageous choices that were often ahead of its time. She’s currently the National Certification Director for Roma Tre University as the “Italian Language Certification for foreigners” and for the ESOL English Language Certification and Chief Research Officer for European Universities.

Ruth Rose Rae
Language Coach and Nutrition, Dance and Fitness Coach of BBrainy® Smart School – Outdoor Learning
“To tell you a little about me and my background, I am half British, half German and grew up part of my time in California (US), part in the UK. I have worked as a nanny, babysitter, and children’s teacher for many years, as well as a dancer, certified yoga/Pilates instructor, nutrition counselor and wellness coach, and massage therapist, (and here and there as a personal assistant) but my favorite thing besides dancing has always been working with children. With the onset of the current pandemic, work as a dancer I do not foresee being active for a long time, at least until next year, and I do not feel working as a Massage therapist is safe or will be safe for a couple of years (other than perhaps with one family I work with, if that or any of my other skill sets are of interest – although this would have to be entirely separate from any nanny agreement). I actually love working with children the most, but my other work started to take off in NYC and the little girl for whom I nannied for went to school, and I was touring internationally often such that being consistently with a family was not possible. My wellness business took more time in the last year or so, but given the current circumstances I am happy to return fully to childcare for the next year or two (if I had an amazing match and situation with a family perhaps longer).
I have many experiences in life that combine together to help with working as a nanny or tutor (or both): I have a diverse education in both the arts and sciences, so can help with all school subjects (science, math, English, dance, elementary music, etc.). With my science background I have also been certified in nutrition; if a family wishes for help in this way, I can make sure children eat healthy food (Or if they have preferred foods or traditions this is of course fine as well). I have had many years of experience working with children: I have been dancing since I was 2 years old and began teaching young children (and later all ages) dance when I was a teenager, and also began babysitting at that age as well. I worked first as a baby-sitter for many children, then as a nanny. I also have taught after-school science classes and worked as an after-school tutor, helping students with all subjects (science, math, history, English, etc.), worked in after school enrichment programs, eventually helping design one for children, incorporating interactive creative activities in the arts and sciences, and even worked for a short time as a teacher for teachers, helping them teach science in more interactive and creative ways (combining my creative arts and sciences). As for the arts, in addition to dance, I love fine art, music, and culture. I used to play the clarinet and the piano and studied singing a little bit. I additionally worked as a professional house-cleaner in college, so I also am good at keeping order and cleanliness and have an eye for such things.
I had been dancing and working in the United States in New York City until February, with trips in between to the UK as I am a citizen there, and have traveled to Italy 2-3 times a year to dance/perform. I have danced at many performances in the Veneto and for Carnival in Venice every year since 2016. If things open, for a long term position I would request two weeks to go to Venice to perform during the weeks of Carnevale, however this year is very much in question as to whether it will be safe or even possible. I have studied Spanish and Italian, so can speak these a little bit -I would love the opportunity to practice them more and become fluent, and would be very much open to an international nanny position in Italy. Since English is my native language and I have taught English to non-English speakers before, I can help non-English speaking children learn the language, or help native English speakers with their grammar.
I am young at heart, and I love to help children find joy with each day and in life, and help them find their innate creative spirit and intellect. I study the work of Isadora Duncan and she used to teach children to work with “the highest intelligence and freest body” – this sentiment applied mostly to dance, but it is also something that can apply to life in general. I love to watch children learn and grow and find their personalities and help them develop their fullest potential while simultaneously having fun. I’d like to live in with a family in part to help with my transition to another country but also to be part of the family dynamic at some level. I find working with one family of children consistently over some time is most rewarding (as compared to working with many for a few hours a day or week). “